Thursday, January 19, 2017

Solar Road in France
Let's see if this can work! And if so, can the costs come down enough to make it feasible?


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Yeah Vancouver!

The City of Vancouver does an amazing job of recycling and protecting bicyclists.  The convention center uses reclaimed water to flush the toilets, the coffee cups and lids are compostable and the roof is planted.  Bikers are very well protected with lanes separated by curbs or planters between them and cars, and bike lanes are marked with street signs and their own street signals. Fabulous!
Sharon Sand

Monday, September 12, 2016

Reduce, reuse and recycle

My friend turned me on to ThredUp, an online store to buy clothes you want and sell what you don't. What a perfect way to recycle! In their package insert they explain, "We know shopping secondhand helps the world in some small way, and we're proud to be a part of that. We know being a conscious consumer matters. It matters to us, it matters to you, it matters in the whole big picture of the world."  Cool!

Rats! Time for a new compost system

Well, I don't know for sure it was rats, but I'm thinking that's who was burrowing into my compost pile at night, eating all the organic bits of fruits and veggies trimmed from my bell peppers, cantaloupes, and watermelon. Cookie, our dog, had gotten a little too excited about these supposed rats and was digging in the compost and/or barking at them in the middle of the night.

So my dear husband went to Costco and bought a double barrel compost bin that unfortunately is made with so much plastic that I'm not sure if we're in the 'sustainable zone' here but nonetheless, may help us to compost more, and peacefully at that.

I took all of the compost from my pile and sifted it with this old yellow milk crate giving me quite a lot of fresh compost for my fall vegetable seedlings, and deposited the larger uncomposted pieces into the barrel on the right. Once that's full, we will use the compost and start using the one on the left.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Don't feed the landfills

Subaru had been a zero landfill plant since 2004. Check it out!
and check out #dontfeedthelandfills
What can I do every day to reduce the trash going to the landfill? Can I use less disposables? Can I recycle more? Can I compost? Can I reuse or pass stuff on to someone else who wants to reuse?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

(Not) for the Birds

Winter crop: kale, spinach, Swiss chard
Another garden mystery solved for me! I have tried and tried over the years to grow vegetables from seed, with little success. I have carefully planned out spacing, depth and design, planning for taller plants in the back, and shorter plants in the front. I have carefully prepared the soil with organic fertilizers, my own compost and worm tea, figured out companion plantings, etc. I have carefully watered to keep the seeds moist and at the same time not blast them with any streams of water.

I could not figure out where I was failing, but finally, I found the culprit - birds!! These cute little birds were visiting my pots and garden beds with fresh warm soil ripe for scratching, dirt baths and maybe even finding a worm or two. Great for them, but not for me. I recently purchased this black netting and draped it over my pots and voila! I have a bounty of winter vegetables springing up!

I love these organic seeds from Botanical Interests, and now I know I can get them to grow!

#birdnetting #organicgardening #organicseeds #wintervegetables